Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Voofhea Chiara Kembaren

soon, you'll be born to this world...
about 25th, december 08.
we have planned this name for you.

Meaning :
  • Voofhea. Akronim dari "Voice of Heaven". Your voice will be sound amazingly, singing greatly, and spead out the word of truth, the word of God.
  • Chiara. Asal kata : Italia. Makna sebenarnya : "jernih". Makna yang tersirat: "dimateraikan". Ayat Alkitab : Wahyu 21:21 NKJV "Dan jalan dari kota tersebut terbuat dari emas murni, bagaikan kaca yang transparan", taken from meaning of 'road in heaven'. It also mean 'chicha itor anak pertama'
  • Kembaren. As your father family name

your 'gonna be' parents,
~Julbintor Kembaren
~Chicha Wisina Barus